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Monday, November 9, 2009

Places of interest - Present.

     Throughout the ages, Singapore were shaped into a stable and economic country. Lots of eye catching attractions were built. From North to West, you name it! All necessities or amenities are available, all over Singapore. Our youths nowadays, like to spend their time with their love ones outside home.....Shopping centres such as Iluma, Ion and Vivo City, are their favourite shopping spots.....Not to forget, for the tai-tai wanabes, Orchard Road is open for Branded stuffs.....From window shopping to shopping spree! Favourite chilling places - that would be Clarke Quay for the night 'owl' and Sentosa, for the Sun lover. For those who love shisha, haji lane are available, near bugis street. Not to forget, esplanade, e-hub and etc, places that youths adore to spend their time from morning to dawn.....


                                  BUGIS STREET

                                  CLARKE QUAY




                                             VIVO CITY



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